The Rarely Known Benefits Of Cat’s Whiskers Plant


Cat’s whiskers (Orthosiphon staumineus) are not only ornamental but also a medicinal plant. The bioactive compounds found in cat whiskers are responsible for most of the health benefits.

Cat’s whiskers is a traditional medicinal plant used in Indonesia. Cat whiskers have the most widespread benefits for treating gout. There are many other benefits you should know.

The Myriad Health Benefits of Cat WhiskersCat Whiskers are rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other beneficial properties that can be used to improve the overall health of the body. Cat whiskers contain a variety of natural compounds, including flavonoids and triterpenoids as well as phenolics, sinensetins, eupatorins. They also have glycosides, tannins and saponins.

These ingredients have many health benefits for cats whiskers. These are just a few:

1. Treating gout
Cat whiskers are thought to be a natural remedy for gout due to their high levels of flavonoids and phenolic. These active compounds have anti-inflammatory properties and can prevent the formation of uric acids, which could help to reduce the likelihood of gout attacks.

Cat whiskers have also been shown to be able to repair kidney damage caused by high levels of uric acid.

2. Lower blood pressure
The cat whiskers can also be used to lower blood pressure. It is rich in sinensetin, which plays an important role in antioxidants and diuretic activity. These properties will aid the body to reduce sodium levels via urine.

The blood pressure can be decreased by increasing the amount of sodium and discharge from the body. Cat whiskers can be used to treat hypertension.

3. Overcoming rheumatism
Cat whiskers can also be used as a natural rheumatism treatment, particularly for those with rheumatoid (RA) arthritis. Many rheumatic conditions, including RA and RA, can be attributed to autoimmune reactions. Some aren’t autoimmune but they are both caused by an inflammatory process.

Cat whiskers contain high levels of flavonoid and phenolic compounds, which are known to decrease autoimmune reactions in RA. These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties that protect cartilage and soft tissues from chronic and acute inflammation.

4. Lowering blood sugar levels
Cat’s whiskers, one of many plants with anti-diabetic properties, are able to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and sugars.

This property can help to maintain blood sugar levels. Cat whiskers can also be used to treat and prevent diabetes.

5. Healthy heart
Giving cat whiskers extract can help lower blood sugar levels. It is also known that it can increase good cholesterol (HDL), and lower blood triglycerides (bloodfats).

Combining antidiabetic and increased HDL levels with decreased blood lipid levels can prevent heart disease such as heart attack or coronary heart disease.

6. How to overcome menstrual issues
Cat whiskers can be beneficial for women who have frequent menstrual issues. Cat’s whiskers extract can be consumed regularly to lower prostaglandin levels, which can help reduce menstrual pain (menorrhagia) and excessive bleeding during menstruation.

While there are still many benefits to cat’s whiskers that need further research, it is a good idea to use this plant for your health.

You should not use cat whiskers in herbal supplement form. Instead, make sure they have been tested for safety.

Consult your doctor before you use cat whiskers, especially if you want to add it to your treatment.


